How Do I Upload Photos From a Flashdrive to Snapfish

  • transfer of photos to the Windows Photo Gallery

    In Windows Vista can I transfer photos from other programs on my estimator to Windows Photo Gallery?

    Your photos are stored in different folders on your difficult drive...
    your "Pictures" folder for example.

    In the Gallery of photos... try to go to... File / include a folder in the gallery...
    Navigate to the folder you desire to add to the Gallery / OK.

    The post-obit article is perhaps worth a visit:

    Windows Vista-
    Select the pictures and videos are displayed in Windows Photo Gallery states/Windows-Vista/choose-which-pictures-and-videos-are-displayed-in-Windows-Photo-Gallery

  • Problems with importing photos using Windows - Photo files are corrupted in the Gallery windows

    I use Windows to import images from my camera (Canon Rebel EOS) to the computer (HP) and brandish them in the Windows Photo Gallery.  Recently, the photos in the Gallery go corrupt once downloaded, which means they download fine then when I open "Images" to see in the Gallery, they photos each are corrupted with ribbons of various colors, or the image is cut into strips to compensate.  It didn't happen when I uploaded the same photograph files to another reckoner then I know that is not the mistake of the camera or individual files.  I scanned for a virus (I apply AVAST).  Can I fix this, or is there any other software I should use to download files?  I'm just a MOM ol ' ordinary looking to transfer the zillions of photos that I accept my children.  Assistance!


    Welcome to the Microsoft Answers community.

    Try to rebuild the database of photograph gallery that should remove corrupted files that could cause this problem. Do follow the steps mentioned below.

    Photograph of C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows


    Rename the file Pictures.Pd4 to Pcitures.Pd4.quondam

    Retstart the photogallery programme check what is happening.

    Run a Virus scan using a live care online utility. states of america/default.htm

    Follow the steps mentioned in the link below

    How to get rid of malware.

    Let us know if this helps



  • How to upload photos to the Gallery of photos on a usb key

    How to upload photos to the Gallery of photos on a usb central?

    How to upload photos to the Gallery of photos on a usb key?

    In Windows Live Photograph Gallery... right click a thumbnail
    or a selected grouping of thumbnails or even a folder and
    in the bill of fare... Choose... "Copy".

    The flash player must exist recognized at... Get-go / estimator /.
    Devices with removable storage... with a drive alphabetic character.

    Right-click on the bulldoze letter of the alphabet that represents your flash card
    and in the bill of fare... Cull... 'Stick '.

    If you go direct to your binder of images to transfer the
    files... When y'all right-click the selected (highlighted)
    inches or a complete... the menu will have a
    choice "ship to" and you can choose the drive letter
    the flash player.

  • How tin I enter in the Gallery of photos iPhone 6s

    How can I enter in the Gallery of photos iPhone 6s? Similar the ones you come across on banners or commercials. Thank you

    If you mean the shooting on the campaign of the iPhone, you have not. If Apple sees your work and think information technology would be a good fit, they equally you approach. So, meliorate than you can do is put your work out there on things like Instagram.



    Transfer leaving photo strips, usually a question mark instead.


    You run the Mavericks or Yosemite? (10.9.2 every bit your signature says), or x.x which is Yosemite.   I have to be able to reproduce the state of affairs in your operating organization, until I can assistance you.

  • I tin can't remove photos from the Gallery

    I can't delete photos in the gallery.  I tap on the photo and can't find anything that relates to remove.  I CHANGE, simply there is no deletion.  Thank you

    Information technology may depend on the Tablet model/Os you lot have, but normally a long click on the thumbnail of the image gives yous a check mark on the thumbnail and a basket at the superlative of the app icon which give a try and see if information technology works for you lot. If not, while I consult a photograph if I click on the image that I get (for a short fourth dimension) a few icons that include other trash.

  • How tin I transfer my photos from calculator to the thumb drive?

    I want to transfer my photos from my computer to a flash bulldoze, how can I exercise this?

    Copy the files for the wink player:

    1. Insert the USB cardinal.

    2. open Windows Explorer - click Start, and so click my computer.

    3. search for the files on the computer, highlight, then right click and select re-create.
    4. in the Windows Explorer window, open the USB flash drive, it should be listed nether my computer.
    5. you can at present copy the files on the USB key past selecting the dough. You can also create a folder for images and paste them here.

  • I have photos I want to decrease the dpi on only can non understand how with the Gallery Windows. I accept Windows Vista operating system.

    I accept photos I desire to decrease the dpi on just can not empathize how with the Gallery Windows. I have Windows Vista operating system.

    I have photos I want to decrease the dpi on merely can not empathise how with the Gallery Windows. I have Windows Vista operating system.

    You can resize a picture in WLPG just if you desire to change the .dpi you
    need a different application.

    Information most resizing...
    Right-click on one or more than selected inches... Choose... "Resize" in the menu.
    Cull a format, access a folder to save in the left click the ' resize and
    Save "push. (I suggest that you salve the photos resized in a new folder
    to prevent the replacement (replacement) the originals)

    Take a look at the post-obit link:

    Resizing Photos in Windows Live Photo Gallery

    In addition, the free software IrfanView tin change dpi. Simply open a photo in IrfanView
    and go... Image / data. Enter the resolution you want in the resolution
    fields and on the left, click change. So go to... File / save every bit... and save
    your photo altered with a new proper name.

    (Download plugins too)

    John Inzer - MS - MVP - Digital Media Feel - Notice_This is not tech support_I'm volunteer - Solutions that work for me may not piece of work for you lot - * keep at your ain risk *.

  • Why all my photos in the Gallery did get distorted?

    When I imported my photographic camera photos in Windows Photo Gallery, they were very good (all 415 of them).  They resemble the "negative" of an epitome, picture developing and there are three lines through them.  This happeneded randomly to a handful of photos over the concluding twelvemonth, but clearly got worse when it damaged nearly 400 photographs.  Unfortunately, considering they were great when I imported the, I deleted the pictures from my photographic camera.  later that dark, when I opened the Gallery to ship a photograph, I institute all to be plain-featured.  Can someone delight? It was pictures of 5 events of 'life' (recital of trip the light fantastic toe of my daughter, 3 birthdays and mother's day).  I would love to bring them back to normal and do not know where to go... Help!


    1 take had any changes fabricated to your figurer before this problem?

    2. What antivirus do y'all use?

    Try to rebuild the photograph gallery database which should remove corrupted files that could crusade this problem. To do this follow the steps mentioned below.

    Photo of C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows


    Rename the file Pictures.Pd4 to

    Restart photo gallery plan check what is happening.

    Yous tin as well browse your computer the Microsoft Security Scanner, which would help us to go rid of viruses, spyware and other malicious software.

    The Microsoft Security Scanner is a downloadable security tool for free which allows analysis at the application and helps remove viruses, spyware and other malware. Information technology works with your electric current antivirus software.

    Note: The Microsoft Safety Scanner ends x days subsequently existence downloaded. To restart a scan with the latest definitions of anti-malware, download and run the Microsoft Safety Scanner once more.

    Note: The data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which ways that in that location is a gamble of data loss.

    Follow the steps mentioned in the link below

    How to become rid of malware. states/vistasecurity/thread/ba80504b-61f1-4D71-960f-b561798b7b42

    Promise this information is useful.

  • Why when I click on an image to open up or preview I can't open it on the Gallery windows photo or photo library?

    Why when I click on an image to open or preview I can't open up it on the Gallery windows photo or photo library?

    [Original title: operation and security in Cyberspace Explorer]


    ·         You attempt to open and brandish a preview of a moving-picture show from its source binder?

    ·         What happens when yous try to display the image?

    ·         You receive no error or the movie opens on a blank page?

    ·         What is the format of the saved image?

    ·         In the face of the question while the opening of images saved with the same format of a specific set of photos?

    The preview of images in the Windows in Windows Vista Photo Gallery

    I besides suggest y'all to try to open images using the default paradigm viewer in windows and check if y'all are able to view the images.

    Hope this data helps.

  • How tin can I COMBINE photograph gallery of the window with the Gallery direct phooto of the window. I am using Vista home edition

    I have many, many duplicates both of these I think I'd be able to remove the duplicates, but I want to merge the Gallery outset two without losing whatsoever photograph gallery

    Both versions of the Gallery "see" the same pictures.

    The pictures are not 'in' Photo Gallery is but a viewer...
    in fact, they are saved in your images binder.

    Windows comes with Vista and Windows Photo Gallery
    Live Photo Gallery was installed with Alive Essentials...
    Simply choose the one you want to use and ignore the other.

    The 'simply' actually archived photos by photograph library are
    the original versions of modified photos. Reason in
    then that you can come back if you don't like the recorded version.

    The path to this binder is:

    Photos of Gallery\Original.

  • Photo sent from Mac to PC - not every bit an attachment - function of the message cannot exist saved in the Gallery

    Receive pictures from a MAC user in an email.  Impossible to copy, but cannot save in Windows Live Photo Gallery

    What happens if yous save the film in a folder on your hard drive...
    Open Windows Live Photo Gallery, and so add the binder...

    File / include a folder in the gallery...

  • How? Resize photos in the Gallery Windows without email?

    Hi all
    I need to know how to resize a photograph in the Gallery Windows 1-4 (two). I want to keep this version of Windows. I don't want to send this motion-picture show. Rather, I need to resize the photograph, save to my figurer for later posting in a forum, I belong.
    The just option I encounter for resizing is in e-mail. Ideas?

    Hullo all
    I need to know how to resize a photo in the Gallery Windows one-4 (2). I want to continue this version of Windows. I don't desire to send this picture show. Rather, I need to resize the photo, save to my computer for later posting in a forum, I belong.
    The just option I see for resizing is in e-mail. Ideas?

    Maybe this commodity will be useful:

    Resizing Photos in Windows Live Photograph Gallery

    If this is non the solution you ae looking for...
    the following free resizer might exist worth a attempt:

    VSO Epitome Resizer

    VSO Image Resizer: tutorial
    How to resize my images and photos?

    John Inzer - MS - MVP - digital media feel

  • Some of my Photos in the gallery are undermined and cropped randomly

    So outset sorry for my writing and linguistic communication of errors because my English is not good but I hope I can explain my trouble in the Best Way...

    And then 2 months ago, I bought a Xperia double Z5 and the kickoff day Im having this trouble that my Photos in the Gallery (photos taken by this information saved in internal storage) are randomly (by chance) lose some office equally when cutting you parts of photos! DVICE automatically cut them while I opened them (showing) and so the parts never comes back to us.

    Screenshots of The peaks that have lost some parts:


    I did The FacTory reset twice non solved.

    I tried external memory non solved

    If anyone tin can help my to solve this problem.

    Thank y'all very much for this aid complete Comunnity.


    The pictures are corrupt, you encrypted the telephone or you take an antivirus or a taskiller?

  • Save the Photograph on the Gallery

    HelloW forum.

    I accept a problem with an application that was rejected during the in-depth review process.

    In that location is a role in which you can develop a graphic symbol + a photo and save the photo on the gallery. Everythings works fine, but when you try to recall the image of the gallery you get an fault.

    How tin can it help me understand why the images cannot be open up later?


    /*functions for saving the image*/function savePhoto(){  var sail = document.getElementById("fotoTomadaPizarra"); /*the canvass*/  var dataURL = sheet.toDataURL('epitome/jpeg');    try{      dataURL = dataURL.replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', '');      saveFile(dataURL, '/accounts/1000/shared/camera/cc''.jpg');   }catch(e){   warning(e);}}  part saveFile(savedata, openat, picker, ext) { = false;    if (ext == null) ext = '';    if (picker != 'picker') {        window.webkitRequestFileSystem(window.TEMPORARY, v * 1024 * 1024, role (fileSystem) {          fileSystem.root.getFile(openat, {create : true}, function (fileEntry) {             fileEntry.createWriter(office (fileWriter) {                 fileWriter.onwriteend = function () {blackberry.ui.toast.prove('Guardado!');};                 fileWriter.onerror = part (fileError) {;};                attempt{                   var blob = new Blob([savedata], {type : 'image/jpeg'});                   fileWriter.write(blob);               }catch(e){alert(eastward)}              $.mobile.loading('hide');              document.getElementById("loadingDiv").way.brandish = "none";});},errorHandler);});}else {blackberry.invoke.card.invokeFilePicker({way: blackberry.invoke.bill of fare.FILEPICKER_MODE_SAVER,directory: [openat],viewMode: blackberry.invoke.card.FILEPICKER_VIEWER_MODE_GRID,sortBy: blackberry.invoke.carte.FILEPICKER_SORT_BY_NAME,sortOrder: blackberry.invoke.card.FILEPICKER_SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING}, role (path) {window.webkitRequestFileSystem(window.TEMPORARY, 5 * 1024 * 1024, function (fileSystem) {fileSystem.root.getFile(path+'.jpg', {create : true}, role (fileEntry) {fileEntry.createWriter(part (fileWriter) {var blob = new Blob([savedata], {type : 'prototype/jpeg'});fileWriter.write(blob);fileWriter.onwriteend = function () {blackberry.ui.toast.bear witness('Guardado!');};fileWriter.onerror = role (fileError) {;};$.mobile.loading('hide');certificate.getElementById("loadingDiv").mode.display = "none";});});});});}}          

    I got information technology.

    I don't know exactly where the trouble was. but this has been solved by using another library.

    Thank you for your help and your time.



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